A child stands laughing on an outdoor climbing frame

REGUPOL playfix sandpit

Product details

REGUPOL playfix sandpit

Product details

Elastic surround elements for sand pits and other games and sports areas. Our edging elements guarantee fun all round and in complete safety.

When it comes to edging around sand pits, trampolines or other spaces, our REGUPOL sand pit safety surrounds are a genuine weatherproof and non-rotting alternative to wood. In terms of safety, they are unbeatable and their elasticity ensures a high degree of protection in the event of falls. Our REGUPOL sand pit surrounds are made of highly compacted material, which makes these moulded products robust all-rounders that can be produced in various shapes. The material doesn’t get worn by the playing sand, doesn’t form splinters like other materials and is vandal proof. Additional benefits of our sand pit surround elements include that their surface dries very quickly and they are pleasantly warm to sit on. If 8 curved elements are laid together, they make up a circle of 2 metres in diameter. Safety all round - thanks to REGUPOL sand pit safety surrounds.

REGUPOL playfix sandpit
REGUPOL playfix sandpit (1/8 circle segment)

REGUPOL playfix sandpit (1/8 circle segment)

If 8 curved elements of our REGUPOL playfix sandpit are laid together, they make up a circle of 2 metres in diameter

REGUPOL playfix sandpit (straight block)

REGUPOL playfix sandpit (straight block)

Use our REGUPOL playfix sandpit for enclosing sand pits and other sports areas, or as flowerbed borders or seating elements.

Wybór koloru i wzoru


  • Safety
  • Certified high-quality production
  • Sustainable
  • Weather-resistant
  • Can be cleaned
  • Slip resistant

Specyfikacje techniczne


PUR binder, components made of synthetic rubber (coloured) or ethylene propylene diene (monomer) rubber used as EPDM granulate

Material in the EU

Ethylene propylene diene (monomer) rubber used as EPDM granulate


Straight elements and curved 1/8 circle segments, rounded edges; plugs supplied to close bolt holes

Dimensions / Weight

Straight block: 1,000 x 300 x 150 mm | approx. 40 kg/item
1/8 circle segment: 1,021/785 x 300 x 150 mm | approx. 37 kg/item
Circle internal diameter: 2.000 mm

Tolerances: length/width +/- 1% | thickness +/- 2mm

Dimensions / Weight EU

Straight block: 1.000 x 300 x 150 mm | approx. 54 kg/item
1/8 circle segment: 1.021/785 x 300 x 150 mm | approx. 50 kg/item
Circle internal diameter: 2.000 mm

Tolerances: length / width ± 1 % | thickness ± 2 mm

Staight block

Tensile strengh | 573 kPa
Elongation | 79 %
Compression test | 6,0 N/mm

1/8 circle segment

Tensile strengh | 925 kPa
Elongation | 94 %
Compression test | 9,2 N/mm


Bonding or bolting onto a concrete sub-base

Please note:
The MVVTB (Model Administrative Provisions – Technical Building Rules) and entry 50 of the REACH Annex XVII contain requirements products and floor surfaces have to meet. Please check to make sure that your intended application for our products conforms with these requirements.


Product sample service, Tender text/specification, individual consulting worldwide, internal quality certificates, Inlays and prints, Customized product development and design, Cleaning and maintenance, Equipment and accessories

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Olaf Brinkmann

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Jesteśmy tutaj, aby pomóc

Olaf Brinkmann
REGUPOL Germany GmbH & Co. KG
Sales Manager International

All-round safety: REGUPOL sand pit safety surrounds

REGUPOL sand pit safety surrounds create borders with the right ratio of elasticity to strength and can be used for enclosing sand pits and other sports areas, or as flowerbed borders or seating elements. Steps on sloped areas, stairways and other landscape design elements are also possible uses. The elastic surrounds are either bonded or bolted onto a concrete sub-base. The bolt holes on the upper side can be closed permanently and securely with our supplied plugs to give a uniform optical appearance to the exterior surface.
