REGUPOL playfix bollard
Product details
Our shock-absorbing bollard can serve to mark area boundaries or be used as a seating element.
There are certain places, such as playgrounds or children’s play areas which, for safety reasons, ought to be separated from areas where there may be traffic, for instance. As a means of vehicle access control, our REGUPOL boundary bollards are not only effective; they also reduce any damage to vehicles in the event of impact. Consisting of elastic rubber granulate, these bollards are ideal shock absorbers and very difficult to damage. Even if cyclists collide with them, the risk of injury is reduced because our REGUPOL playfixbollard has no hard edges or corners and the material doesn’t splinter off. If you’d like to section off a particular area for special protection, just contact us!
Wybór koloru i wzoru
- Safety
- Certified high-quality production
- Sustainable
- Weather-resistant
- Can be cleaned
Specyfikacje techniczne
PUR binder, components made of synthetic rubber (coloured) or ethylene propylene diene (monomer) rubber used as EPDM granulate
Material in the EU
Ethylene propylene diene (monomer) rubber used as EPDM granulate
Dimensions / Weight
Diameter, post: 200 mm
Diameter, seat: 400 mm
Height, seat: 100 mm
Overall height: 1,250 mm,
Post height: 1,150 | approx. 40.2 kg/item
Overall height: 650 mm,
Post height: 550 mm | approx. 24.5 kg/item
Tolerances: length/width +/- 1% | thickness +/- 2mm
Dimensions / Weight in the EU
Diameter, post 200 mm
Diameter, seat: 400 mm
Height, seat: 100 mm
Overall height: 1.250 mm,
Post height: 1.150 | approx. 60 kg/item
Overall height: 650 mm,
Post height: 550 mm | approx. 37 kg/item
Tolerances: length/width +/- 1% | thickness +/- 2mm
Bollards are embedded in natural substrate or wet concrete.
Please note:
The MVVTB (Model Administrative Provisions – Technical Building Rules) and entry 50 of the REACH Annex XVII contain requirements products and floor surfaces have to meet. Please check to make sure that your intended application for our products conforms with these requirements.
Tender text/specification, individual consulting worldwide, internal quality certificates, Customized product development and design, Cleaning and maintenance
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Twój kontakt w REGUPOL
Jesteśmy tutaj, aby pomóc
Olaf Brinkmann
REGUPOL Germany GmbH & Co. KG
Sales Manager International
Another use for REGUPOL boundary bollards
Our REGUPOL boundary bollards are genuine multi-talents. They don’t just separate certain areas from others, but can also serve as ideal elastic seating or playing elements on play grounds. Parents know only too well that children never get tired of play grounds. But no matter; on REGUPOL boundary bollards parents can sit and relax that little bit longer and enjoy watching their children play.