Our flooring is highly elastic with a low installation height. It is bonded into place which gives it a surface that’s virtually impermeable to water.
Our elastic interlocking pavers are non-slip and robust – this makes them the ideal flooring for walkways around or in your stable.
Our stable tiles with studded underside provide good drainage properties, highly effective noise insulation and are gentle on hooves and joints.
Our elastic tiles create a calm atmosphere and a soft, insulating surface. They are easy to clean and very long lasting.
REGUPOL equiline multi XL are our versatile 2000 x 1000 mm XL format paddock tiles. It can be laid loose thank to its own weight.
The ideal wall covering for places where injuries can occur or nervous horses can kick out. Highly resilient and easy to install.
Elastic and robust riding arena edging elements that last and protect.
Two-layer flooring for special applications in clinics and recovery boxes. Soft base layer with a wear-resistant, hygienic surface layer.
When it comes to fall protection and design, this is our seamless multi-talent. It is suitable for fall heights of up to three metres and its smooth,…
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