REGUPOL everroll alpine SF can withstand transport trolleys, ski boots and skiing equipment.It is slip-resistant and easy to install.
REGUPOL everroll alpine MT can be laid in various areas of your winter sports facility. Slip-resistant and tough enough for transport trolleys.
Our REGUPOL everroll alpine EL floor tile product for winter sports is resilient, comfortable and slip-resistant.
The REGUPOL ballistic B200 shooting block is easy to install for a wide range of flexible applications for your indoor or outdoor shooting range.
REGUPOL interlocking pavers – our elastic safety floor for outdoor shooting ranges.
Read more about our REGUPOL ballistic E70 wall and ceiling cladding here.
Our REGUPOL ballistic B500 shooting block can be used as a mobile bullet trap system or to create 180°-scenarios in your shooting range.
The REGUPOL ballistic S43 elastic tile prevents projectiles rebounding back into the shooting range – e. g. as front cladding for the bullet trap.
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