Stable with mats for the horse box

Equestrian flooring


Stable Boxes

Box mats: secure footing, great comfort

Boxes provide horses with their own protected realm, in which they can calm down and rest safely after a competition, a ride or time spent in the paddock. For your horses to feel comfortable in their boxes, the floor surface plays a significant role. Our permanently elastic box mats combine all the qualities that really matter: soft, slip-resistant and shock absorbing, they create a surface that reduces the strain on your horses’ tendons and joints, while at the same time providing a safe and comfortable footing. They can also be attached vertically to the box or stable walls to protect against the horse kicking out, which further reduces the risk of injury. Quick to install, our box mats’ noise insulation creates a calm atmosphere in the stable – and this in turn leads to calm horses.

Safety with sheets

Or perhaps you would prefer your box to have a virtually water proof floor? If so, we can offer you a REGUPOLequestrian floor, which you simply fix with adhesive onto an even surface, such as asphalt or concrete. Any dirt or other impurities here remain on the surface and can be easily disposed of. The main benefit of this solution is that the firm bonding makes it absolutely smooth and this reduces your horses’ risk of injury. Virtually water tight, our low-wearing equestrian floor guarantees hygienic cleanliness, and consequently the safety of your horses, in your stables for years to come. Our REGUPOLelastic sheets can also be attached to the boxes’ walls. This also offers protection from injury to agitated horse that are likely to kick out.  

Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg

Passion means putting your heart and soul into what you do. And we are passionate about good flooring. We put our heart and soul into that every day. Into our equestrian flooring, for example. For calm and steady horses.

Our Products

For Stable Boxes

REGUPOL equiline multi XL

REGUPOL equiline multi XL are our versatile 2000 x 1000 mm XL format paddock tiles. It can be laid loose thank to its own weight.

REGUPOL equiline multi

Our elastic tiles create a calm atmosphere and a soft, insulating surface. They are easy to clean and very long lasting.

REGUPOL equiline stable

Our stable tiles with studded underside provide good drainage properties, highly effective noise insulation and are gentle on hooves and joints.

REGUPOL equiline impact

The ideal wall covering for places where injuries can occur or nervous horses can kick out. Highly resilient and easy to install.

REGUPOL equiline allround
virtually impermeable to water

REGUPOL equiline allround

Our flooring is highly elastic with a low installation height. It is bonded into place which gives it a surface that’s virtually impermeable to water.

Less work, more time for the horse

Water permeable or waterproof? With REGUPOL, the choice is yours! One benefit of our permeable stable mats is that you will need significantly less bedding to absorb urine, for instance. You can save up to three quarters of the usual amount. If your horse suffers from a respiratory condition, it’s also possible to do without bedding altogether. Your horses will still be able to stand or lie warm and comfortably around the clock – because our box mats provide reliable insulation against the cold. Less bedding also means less dust and time spent mucking out! This not only creates a much better climate in the stable, it gives you more time for your horses.

REGUPOL in horse boxes: we’ve got it covered.

„The mats are robust and yet elastic. Our horses have a secure stance and their hooves don’t get worn.“

Wiltrud Heine, stable owner
Olaf Brinkmann

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Olaf Brinkmann
REGUPOL Germany GmbH & Co. KG
Sales Manager International
